Claw Toe Surgery Miami

Claw toe surgery is a procedure offered at Luxe Foot Surgery Center for the surgical treatment of toe deformities. Claw toe, characterized by the curvature of two phalanges of the toes, is a noticeable condition even in pain-free or asymptomatic cases. In this article, we aim to provide comprehensive information on claw toe surgery, including its objectives, cost, evaluation of results, and other important topics. Our goal is to make this technical information accessible to patients, the general public, and even specialists seeking general information on claw toe surgery.


$2,500 - 3,000


30 – 40 Min


2 - 3 week


3 - 6 months

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What is claw toe surgery

What is claw toe surgery?

Claw toe surgery is a surgical operation to solve the disease called claw toe. It is an outpatient surgery (does not require the patient to enter the clinic), and minimally invasive in the case of Luxe Foot Surgery. Claw toe is considered one of the most common forefoot deformities and one most frequently treated by foot and ankle surgeons. Although specialists agree on the definition of claw toe, they do not always fully agree on how claw toe surgery should be performed.

Claw toe (as distinct from hammer toe and mallet toe, as discussed later) is dorsiflexion or sustained upward flexion, of the proximal phalanx at the lesser metatarsophalangeal joint, combined with sustained flexion, downward, from the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints. In other words, a clawed toe is considered to exist when the phalanx closest to the ankle is turned up and the other joints are turned down, giving the toe the curved appearance of a claw.

Types of Claw Toe: Understanding Its Origin and Rigidity

Claw toe can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired during one’s lifetime as a result of other disorders or conditions. To classify claw toe based on its degree of rigidity, medical literature describes three types: flexible, semi-rigid, and stiff.

Flexible Claw Toe: In this case, the toe has only acquired a small degree of deformity and its joints are still able to move. It may be asymptomatic and pain-free. Non-surgical or conservative methods are usually enough to correct it.

Semi-Rigid Claw Toe: This type of claw toe is in an intermediate stage and may require surgery or can be treated with conservative methods, depending on the physician’s discretion.

Stiff Claw Toe: When the toe is completely stiff, the joints can no longer move, and the pain is intense. In these cases, surgery is often the most viable and effective solution.

02 Bunion on foot of senior man with hammer toes and dry skin_Claw toe surgery - Luxe Foot Surgery Center

Differences between claw toe and bunions

We should distinguish claw toe from other very similar disorders. Regarding this, the first thing to say is that a claw toe is not the same as a bunion. Claw toe occurs between the phalanges of the toes and generates vertical, upward, and downward curvatures. On the other hand, bunions, whether of the Hallux valgus type (in the big toe) or of the tailor’s bunion or Quintus type varus (in the fifth toe, the smallest), cause deviations towards the outside or inside of the foot, in the horizontal axis.

Often claw Toe and bunions can be combined on the same foot, which takes on a pointed configuration similar to the shoe that possibly caused the disorder.

Differences between claw toe, mallet toe, and hammer toe

Generally, claw toe is grouped with very similar conditions, such as mallet toe and hammer toe; but they are three disorders very well differentiated from each other. Let’s see the difference between these three, which are the most often confused. The description we will give is more phenomenal and less technical, as we are trying to make the information accessible to patients as well:

  • Hammer toe: It is when one or more toes have an abnormal and sustained curve in the middle phalanx.
  • Mallet toe: It is when one or more toes present an abnormal and sustained curve in the phalanx closest to the nail.
  • Claw toe: It is when more than one phalanx is affected. One of the phalanges (closest to the ankle) curves upward, while the other phalanx (closest to the nail) curves downward.

It can be concluded that claw toe is a combination of hammer toe and mallet toe. Claw toe can affect all toes except the big or hallux. That is, it can only affect the second, third, fourth or fifth toe. This is because the claw toe involves three phalanges at once, and the big toe only has two phalanges.

Concept of costs calculation, Calculator. Three-dimensional image.

Cost of Claw Toe Surgery in Miami

If you are considering claw toe surgery in Miami, you may be wondering about the cost of the procedure. While the average cost of this surgery in the USA is around $10,000, the price in Miami is approximately $5,000. However, it is important to keep in mind that the final cost will depend on several factors, such as the severity of the deformity, the type of surgery, and any additional treatments that may be necessary.

At Luxe Foot Surgery, we offer a free consultation to all our patients to determine the cost of the operation in each individual case. During this consultation, our experienced podiatrists will examine your foot and discuss the best course of treatment for your condition. They will also provide you with an estimate of the cost of the procedure, taking into account any necessary tests or follow-up appointments.

We understand that the cost of surgery can be a significant concern for many patients. That’s why we offer a range of payment options, including internal forms of payment, to help make the procedure more affordable. Our team will work with you to find a payment plan that fits your budget and makes the process as stress-free as possible.


Women with health problems from chronic foot pain or nerves are inflamed and numb on feetl_Haglund’s deformity surgery - Luxe Foot Surgery Center

Who is a candidate for claw toe surgery?

Claw toe is a deformity that can cause discomfort and pain in the feet, making it difficult to walk and wear shoes comfortably. For some patients, surgery may be necessary to correct the deformity and alleviate the associated symptoms. But who is a suitable candidate for claw toe surgery? Let’s take a closer look.

  1. Conservative treatments have been ineffective: Before considering surgery, conservative treatments such as wearing properly fitted shoes or orthotics, physical therapy, and medication, should be tried. If these treatments have not been effective, surgery may be a suitable option.

  2. Pain and discomfort are significantly impacting quality of life: If the pain and discomfort associated with claw toe are interfering with daily activities, such as walking or wearing shoes, surgery may be necessary to improve quality of life.

  3. Claw toe is causing chronic wounds or infections: For some patients, the claw toe deformity can cause chronic wounds or infections. In these cases, surgery may be necessary to prevent further complications.

  4. The claw toe deformity is severe: The severity of the claw toe deformity is an important factor in determining whether surgery is necessary. If the deformity is causing significant impairment of foot function, surgery may be the best option.

  5. The patient is in good overall health: As with any surgical procedure, it is important for the patient to be in good overall health. This includes being at a healthy weight, having good circulation, and being free of any medical conditions that could increase the risk of complications.

In conclusion, if conservative treatments have been ineffective and the claw toe deformity is significantly impacting quality of life or causing chronic wounds or infections, surgery may be a suitable option. The patient’s overall health and the severity of the deformity are also important factors in determining whether surgery is necessary. It is important to consult with a qualified podiatrist to determine the best course of treatment for each individual case.

03 Woman in high shoes in street_Claw toe surgery - Luxe Foot Surgery Center

What are the causes of claw toe?

While the causes of claw toe may vary, the most common reason for developing the condition is an imbalance in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that normally keep the toes straight. Let’s take a closer look at some of the factors that can contribute to claw toe.

  1. Tight-fitting shoes: Wearing shoes that are too tight, especially those that are short, narrow, or have high heels, can force the toes into a flexed position. This abnormal position can cause the muscles and tendons of the toe to tighten and become shorter, leading to the development of claw toe.

  2. Age: As people age, they become more prone to developing claw toe. The muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the foot become weaker and less flexible, making them more susceptible to deformities.

  3. Gender: Women are more likely than men to develop claw toe. This is because the design of women’s shoes, which are often narrow, tight-fitting, and have high heels, can put the foot in a position that is favorable for the development of the condition.

  4. Nerve and muscle diseases: In some cases, claw toe may be a symptom of a problem in the nervous system or an aggravation of a condition like diabetic foot. Nerve and muscle diseases can cause an imbalance in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments in the foot, leading to the development of claw toe.

  5. Trauma: Injuries to the foot, such as fractures or sprains, can cause damage to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, leading to claw toe.

Claw toe can have a variety of causes, including tight-fitting shoes, age, gender, nerve and muscle diseases, and trauma. It is important to consult with a qualified podiatrist to determine the underlying cause of the condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

What diseases can claw toe be caused by?

Some diseases or physical conditions, whether acquired, hereditary or genetic, can cause a claw toe to develop. For example:

  • Suffering from a problem in the nerves of the legs.
  • Have spinal cord disorders.
  • Suffer strokes.
  • Suffering from diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Suffering some foot and ankle injuries, such as Morton’s toe .

In the case of Morton’s toe, better known as the Greek foot, its configuration is prone to creating a claw toe. The reason for this is that, since in such cases the second toe is longer than the big toe, it receives the entire weight of the body, in addition to the fact that it can be forced into short or narrow shoes.

Purpose of claw toe surgery

The objective of claw toe surgery is to solve this disorder when other more conservative solutions fail to help the patient. If the pain is no longer alleviated, if the toe is almost permanently rigid and the deformity is not reduced, if the person experiences discomfort when walking (whether barefoot or with shoes) due to rubbing and a callus on the foot, then It is recommended that we proceed with claw toe surgery. It helps to:

  • Delay the severity and incidence of the deformity.
  • Reduce the discomfort it causes in the patient.
  • Avoid complications in patients with sensory deficit, such as atrophic ulcerations on bony prominences.
  • Restore or preserve ambulatory capacity, and provide greater stability when walking.
Medical professional operation process hospital clinical specialist operating_Haglund’s deformity surgery - Luxe Foot Surgery Center

Traditional surgery vs. minimally invasive surgery

When it comes to correcting claw toe, there are two main types of surgical techniques: traditional surgery and minimally invasive surgery. Traditional surgery involves slightly larger incisions, while minimally invasive surgery utilizes smaller incisions that are typically between 1 and 2 millimeters, never exceeding 4 millimeters. Choosing between one or the other will depend on several factors, including:

  • The criteria of the clinic and the podiatrist.
  • The degree of deformity of the toe.
  • If there is osteoarthritis in the joint.
  • The level of mobility of the toe joints (if they are still flexible or if they are stiff).
  • The state of health in general.
  • The natural anatomical length of the patient’s toes.
  • Inter alia.

In conclusion, the choice between traditional and minimally invasive surgery for correcting claw toe will depend on various factors. It is important to consult with a qualified podiatrist to determine the best course of treatment for your individual case. With the right surgical technique, individuals can achieve relief from pain and discomfort and regain their mobility.

07 Doctor assisting senior female patient to walk with his walker_Claw toe surgery - Luxe Foot Surgery Center

How long is recovery after claw toe surgery?

Total recovery time is estimated at approximately 4 weeks or 1 month. But this time can vary  from one patient to another. During the recovery time, the patient has to wear the special shoes that the surgeon or medical staff will provide after the surgery, as this can reduce the recovery time. The special footwear will keep the foot at rest and in the correct position for a period of 3 or 4 weeks, or 6 weeks in some cases. If all goes well, recovery rarely takes longer than 6 weeks.

Before full recovery, about 2 weeks after surgery, the doctor will remove the stitches or sutures, and give new recovery advice. If the surgery required the placement of any type of wire or fixator to hold the toe in place, these devices will be removed at the end of the recovery time.

Tips for a Successful Recovery after Claw Toe Surgery

Recovering from surgery can be a challenging process, but following the right tips can make it easier and more effective. Here are some recommendations to help you through the recovery process after claw toe surgery.

  1. Swelling, Stiffness, and Redness: It is normal to experience some swelling, stiffness, or redness in the toe after surgery. These effects usually subside within weeks or months, and you can alleviate them by elevating your foot on a pillow. Keeping the bandage clean and dry by replacing it every 2 weeks is also important.
  2. Bathing: You can continue to bathe as usual, provided that you keep the bandage dry. If the bandages are removed, you can wash the area with lukewarm water and pat it dry gently with a towel. If wires were used in the surgery, make sure to dry them gently and carefully if they get wet during a bath.
  3. Diet and Bowel Movements: Your diet can remain unchanged, as long as you feel comfortable eating it. If you experience any discomfort or side effects from medication, it is advisable to switch to a soft, low-fat, and easy-to-digest diet such as rice, steamed or grilled poultry or fish, and yogurt. Constipation is a common side effect immediately after surgery, but it usually resolves on its own. If it persists, your doctor may prescribe a mild laxative or fiber supplement.
  4. Walking: It is recommended to avoid walking for the first 2-3 days after surgery. Then, you can gradually start walking, as long as it does not cause pain. Gradually increasing the distance you walk and the support for your foot will promote circulation, healing, and mobility, and prevent complications such as pneumonia or constipation. When walking, make sure to support your foot on your heel, not your toes. Crutches or walkers can be used as aids if necessary.
  5. Driving: It’s best to wait at least a month or a month and a half after surgery before driving again, but it’s always best to ask your doctor. If you have an automatic car and the surgery was on your left foot, you may be able to drive sooner using only your right foot for acceleration and braking.
  6. Footwear: Your medical staff will provide you with special footwear, usually with a wooden heel, that you should wear during your recovery period whenever you’re walking. After your recovery period (either a month or a month and a half), your medical staff will instruct you to use wide, deep and smooth footwear for an additional 4 to 6 weeks.
  7. Return to work: Full recovery can take 4 to 6 weeks, but it’s best to ask for a little more time off from work, depending on your job. If your job is light or you work seated, you can return to work after 4 to 6 weeks. If your job is physically demanding, it’s best to wait a little longer before returning to work.

Types of techniques for claw toe surgery

Claw toe deformity can cause discomfort and pain in the feet, making it difficult to walk and wear shoes comfortably. Fortunately, there are several surgical techniques available to correct this condition. In this article, we will explore the different types of techniques used for claw toe surgery.

  1. Arthroplasty surgery: This procedure involves joint surgery and aims to correct the deformity by removing a portion of the affected joint. The remaining parts of the joint are then repositioned to relieve pressure on the toes.

  2. Plantar plate tenodesis surgery: In this technique, the tendon that attaches the toes to the bone is fixed in place to prevent further bending of the toes.

  3. Transfer from flexor to extensor tendon: This technique involves redirecting the tendons that control the movement of the toes. The flexor tendon, which is responsible for curling the toes, is repositioned to the top of the foot and attached to the extensor tendon, which is responsible for straightening the toes.

  4. Lengthening and redirection of tendons: This technique involves lengthening the tendons that control the movement of the toes to reduce the bending of the toes.

  5. Arthrodesis surgery: This procedure involves fusing the bones of the affected joint together to prevent further bending of the toes.

  6. Partial or total phalangectomy or tenotomy: This technique involves shortening the phalanx bones of the toes, either partially or completely, to reduce the bending of the toes.

  7. Arthroscopy-assisted correction: This minimally invasive technique involves using a small camera to visualize the joint and correct the deformity with the help of small instruments.

  8. The use of pins, nails, or devices such as Kirschner wires: In some cases, pins, nails, or devices may be used to hold the bones in place after an arthrodesis or arthroplasty procedure.

In conclusion, claw toe surgery can greatly improve the quality of life for those suffering from this condition. It is important to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine the best surgical technique for your individual case. With the help of these various surgical techniques, individuals can experience relief from pain and discomfort and regain their mobility.

Doctor talking with elderly patient_Claw toe surgery

Outcomes of claw toe surgery measured according to the AOFAS scale

The AOFAS scale (American Orthopedic Foot And Ankle Society) is a standardized instrument used to measure the clinical status of the ankle and hindfoot, from three points of view: pain, functionality, and alignment. The score goes from 0 to 100, but only healthy joints receive 100 points. Doctors often evaluate the results of claw toe surgery using the AOFAS scale. For the evaluation, the objective information of the clinical examination is taken into account, but also the subjective information provided by the patient.

One of the types of claw toe surgery that is practiced is plantar plate tenodesis. A study conducted in Hong Kong in 2010 ( Modified plantar plate tenodesis for correction of claw toe deformity ) based on frozen cadaveric feet presenting with claw toe, concluded that plantar plate tenodesis surgery is effective and safe to correct claw toe deformity. In none of the cases did nerve damage occur. The results were measured through the AOFAS scale. A score of between 43 and 44 (which is quite high) was obtained, and a degree of correction of the toe between 23 and 25 degrees in terms of alignment.

What solutions can be applied before opting for surgery

If you are experiencing the discomfort and pain associated with claw toe, surgery may not always be the first course of action. Non-surgical solutions, also known as conservative methods, can help to correct the condition in some cases. Here are some solutions that can be applied before opting for surgery:

  1. Avoid tight-fitting shoes or high heels: Wearing shoes that are too tight or have high heels can worsen claw toe. Opt for shoes with a roomy toe box, low heels, and good arch support.

  2. Wear shoes with a wide, deep toe box and soft soles: Shoes with minimal toe seams can help prevent further irritation of the toes.

  3. Use padding or shoe inserts: Cushioning the toe can help alleviate pain and discomfort. Arch supports or other types of shoe inserts can also help.

  4. Use splints or tape: Splints or tape can help to hold the toes in place and prevent further bending.

  5. Practice toe exercises: Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the toes can help improve flexibility and reduce pain. This can include using the toes to grasp objects like cloths, towels, or small balls and lifting them.

  6. Stretching exercises: Stretching exercises can help improve the flexibility of the toes and reduce pain. This can include stretching the toes gently with your hands or using a towel or band to stretch them.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of non-surgical solutions may vary depending on the severity of the claw toe deformity. A qualified podiatrist can help determine the best course of action for each individual case.

In conclusion, non-surgical solutions can be effective in correcting claw toe in some cases. Wearing appropriate shoes, using padding or shoe inserts, practicing toe exercises and stretching exercises, and using splints or tape can all help to alleviate pain and discomfort. It is important to consult with a qualified podiatrist to determine the most suitable solution for your individual case.

Possible complications after claw toe surgery

Every surgical operation involves certain risks. The risks of claw toe surgery are not too many, but they do exist, although they can all be avoided or solved. Some risks are:

  • There is infection in the wound, especially if wires, pins or nails were placed.
  • That the toe remains just as rigid or more after surgery.
  • That some nerve injury occurs due to a miscalculation in the procedure.
  • Claw toe reappears after surgery.

Frequently asked questions

In the early stages, when the disorder is called “flexible claw toe,” everything is likely to be without pain or physical symptoms. In such cases, claw toe can be detected visually by observing the configuration of the claw-shaped phalanges. If in addition to this the person feels pain and detects calluses in the first joint of the toes, then it is possible that he has at least one claw toe. Another easily detectable symptom is that the shoes that should correspond to the person’s foot do not fit well.

Claw toe does not necessarily require surgery. If claw toe is in its early stages of evolution (flexible claw toe), or even in an intermediate stage (semi-rigid claw toe), it can often be corrected by one of the so-called conservative methods listed above. But when claw toe has reached an advanced stage of evolution (stiff claw toe), it is very likely that it can only be corrected by claw toe surgery.

Completely. There are cases in which the foot, after claw toe surgery, looks as if it had never had any deformity. Whether or not this can be achieved depends largely on the level of deformity of the toe. In any case, even if the toe does not look as if it never had a deformity, it is possible to completely straighten the claw toe. The degree of alignment achieved by claw toe surgery is something that can even be measured using the AOFAS scale.

Claw toe surgery is not usually recommended for purely cosmetic purposes. In cases of cosmetic surgery for claw toe, it is practically impossible for medical insurance to cover the procedure. If the anatomical condition of the claw toe does not cause symptoms, does not generate any type of pain or hinders the patient’s normal life in any way, then surgery is not used. Instead, surgery is recommended when pain and discomfort interfere with the patient’s life and can no longer be resolved by conservative methods.

That depends in the first instance on the criteria of the clinic and the podiatrist, although it also depends on the degree of deformity of the toe and other factors. At Luxe Foot Surgery Center we opt for minimally invasive surgery. We prefer this because it is very effective, produces less pain, requires less time in the operating room, is much less incapacitating for the patient, and requires a much shorter recovery period. In contrast, traditional claw toe surgery causes more pain, lasts longer, disables the patient to a greater degree, and requires a longer recovery time.

Among the techniques described to surgically correct claw toe, there is arthrodesis or joint fusion. Arthrodesis surgery has a high rate of effectiveness. But having the disadvantage that it almost completely eliminates the mobility of certain joints, it is not usually the first choice in terms of techniques to apply claw toe surgery.

That’s how it is. The same patient can not only have one of these three disorders in more than one toe, but can also present claw, hammer, and mallet toes at the same time. Even the same patient, in addition to these three disorders, can present metatarsal cave-ins and bunions (something that occurs more frequently than is supposed). In cases like these, the podiatrist will have to come up with a complex and delicate approach to surgery.

Yes, it has a bit to do with it, although age is not decisive. There are ages in which the person is more prone to developing claw toes or similar conditions. The age groups most at risk of developing claw toe deformities are:

  • Early childhood (from birth to 2 years).
  • Adolescence (approximately between 12 and 18 years).
  • Old age (more or less from 65 years).

09 Foot of senior woman with deformity and dry skin over white background surgery concept_Claw toe surgery - Luxe Foot Surgery Center

Calluses are a disorder that occurs from the pressure or topical rubbing of footwear on certain parts of the skin of the foot. After claw toe surgery, calluses do not automatically disappear. But since the deformity of the toe has been corrected, and therefore the pressure and friction that caused the calluses have been eliminated, they will tend to disappear and not reappear.

The best footwear to avoid claw toe (as well as hammer toe, mallet toe, or the different types of bunions), is footwear that does not squeeze or imprison the foot, that has a suitable size, that does not have excessively thin tips or heels that are too long or thin. Also, an additional tip is to wear a type of shoe that leaves the heel free, or even the toe, depending on the design. This must be observed especially in women’s footwear, which is often designed inconsistently and can lead to various foot and ankle disorders.

Pins, implants, or wires have the undeniable advantage of holding the toe in place until the joint heals and heals properly. However, these devices carry additional risks, such as infections, added aches and pains, damage to bone tissue, among others. In addition, to remove the pins, wires or implants, an additional visit to the clinic will be required.

  • As we said, the placement of implants is generally useful during claw toe surgery, since they help to stabilize and correct the joints, and depending on the case, they also help the effectiveness of joint fusion (when the surgical technique used is arthrodesis or arthroplasty). However, the use of implants and fixators, especially some of them, is often controversial among podiatrists, because they can break, they can generate pseudoarthrosis or cause bone loss during extraction. Also, if the surgery fails, the wires are very difficult to remove.

    However, that does not mean that Kirschner wires are not used. In cases where the Kirschner wire is used, it will remain in place for a few weeks to maintain the correct position of the toes while they heal. In most cases, the wire is not painful, but if it causes pain, the doctor will prescribe pain relievers (Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Paracetamol). Finally the Kirschner wire will be easily removed by the surgeon in the clinic.

    The care that the patient should have with the Kirschner wire are the following:

    • Wear the orthopedic sock or boot provided by the medical staff to keep the wire clean and protected.
    • After the bath, it is important to clean and dry the wire well.
    • Carefully follow all the instructions given by the doctor regarding the care, cleaning and handling of the wire.
  • A frequent question similar to the one in this section is: How soon can I walk again after claw toe surgery? Let’s answer them both together.

    In this it is better to follow the advice of the surgeon and the medical personnel involved in the surgery to the letter. However, in general it is recommended not to step with the foot at all only for 2 or 3 days after surgery. After this, you can begin to gradually recover your walking, although always using the special boots supplied by the clinic. Something of the utmost importance is that, when the patient begins to walk, they should not rest their foot on the operated toes, but on the heel.

Claw toe surgery is not painful, especially if it is performed using the minimally invasive surgical technique that we apply at Luxe Foot Surgery, which requires an incision of 1 or 2 millimeters, and never more than 4 millimeters. But even if the surgery is the traditional one, the incision is a few centimeters and is performed with the patient under the effects of anesthesia. After the surgery, when the effects of the anesthesia wear off, you may feel some minimal pain, but the doctor will prescribe analgesics to eliminate this. If there is more pain than what we describe, it is not normal, and it is best to contact the doctor as soon as possible.

Claw toe surgery is very effective. It is rare for claw toe to come back after surgery. However, there is some probability of that happening. A good way to prevent claw toe from coming back is to follow all the doctor’s instructions to the letter, before, during and after surgery, and even for the rest of your life (especially using the type of suitable footwear). The advice that we have given throughout the article, and the ones that we will give in the next section, make it highly unlikely that claw toe will return after surgery.

In any type of surgery that involves bones, the recovery process should not be rushed. It is best to follow to the letter all the advice that the doctor indicates. But this is done so that the recovery does not take longer than necessary, not to speed up the process. The process should last as long as it lasts. Things that favor a speedy recovery are:

  • Rest whenever there is sleepiness or fatigue, to allow the body to repair itself.
  • Maintain an adequate diet, which provides all the nutrients that promote recovery and healing, and the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Keep the foot elevated, to avoid swelling and bleeding.
  • Use the orthopedic boots provided by the clinic to walk, and do not rest the foot on the toes but on the heel.
  • Maintain correct hygiene to avoid infections.

If claw toe is asymptomatic and pain-free, and does not necessarily require surgery, it will be considered a purely cosmetic procedure, and it is difficult for insurance to cover surgery. The patient himself must pay for the entire procedure. However, if claw toe causes pain, discomfort, , or any other symptom that incapacitates the person or interferes with their normal life, then it is considered a medical condition, and the insurance will cover the surgery according to the policy contracted by the patient. We must reiterate that at Luxe Foot Surgery we have internal payment plans, which make it easier for the patient to pay for the procedure.

  1. Joost CM Schrier 1, Cees CPM Verheyen, Jan Willem Louwerens: Definitions of hammer toe and claw toe: an evaluation of the literature . Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Isala Clinics, Zwolle, the Netherlands. PMID: 19448169. DOI: 10.7547/0980194 .
  2. TH Lui, LK Chan, KB Chan: Modified plantar plate tenodesis for correction of claw toe deformity . Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, North District Hospital, 9 Po Kin Road, Sheung Shui, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China. PMID: 20663424. DOI: 10.3113/FAI.2010.0584 .
  3. Yuen Ting LeungTun Hing Lui: Claw toe with dislocated second metatarsophalangeal joint: Treated by plantar plate tenodesis and release of collateral ligaments.

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