Percutaneous Plantar Fasciotomy

Everything You Need to Know About Percutaneous Plantar Fasciotomy

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Chronic heel pain is a common occurrence, often arising from long-term wear and tear. While conservative treatments can help manage this condition, they may not always deliver satisfactory results. In such cases, a percutaneous plantar fasciotomy becomes necessary to alleviate the persistent pain. If you’re interested in learning more about this procedure, continue reading as we delve into all the essential information you need.

What Is Exactly Percutaneous Plantar Fasciotomy?

Percutaneous plantar fasciotomy is a precise surgical procedure aimed at addressing chronic plantar fasciitis, the leading cause of heel pain. When you engage in activities like standing, walking, or running, your heels bear the weight of your entire body. Generally, they handle this responsibility without issue. However, years of enduring significant pressure on the heels can eventually lead to problems.

Chronic plantar fasciitis develops as a result of this prolonged stress on the feet, and it is recognized as the primary source of heel pain. Countless individuals struggle with this condition, enduring discomfort, inflammation, and stiffness in the soles of their feet.

Who Is a Good Candidate for the Surgery?

Determining the ideal candidates for surgery is a crucial step when considering percutaneous plantar fasciotomy as a treatment option for chronic heel pain. Initially, when you consult your doctor regarding persistent heel pain, their primary recommendation will typically be conservative treatments rather than surgery. These non-surgical methods may include techniques like icing, physical therapy, heel inserts, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. For many patients, these conservative treatments yield excellent results and effectively eliminate the pain. However, not everyone experiences the same level of success, as some individuals may not respond adequately to these approaches.

In such cases, surgical intervention becomes a viable option, specifically percutaneous plantar fasciotomy. Your doctor will conduct a thorough evaluation to assess your overall health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. They will explain the surgical process, what to expect during and after the surgery, and any potential risks involved. Ultimately, percutaneous plantar fasciotomy can be the most effective means to achieve a life free from pain, enabling you to resume your favorite activities once again.

What Is the Main Goal of the Surgery?

The problem with chronic plantar fasciitis is that the plantar fascia tissue has changed – it evolved from normal to thickened, scarred, or calcified. That change is what causes the pain in the heel, and that’s what your surgeon has to address. Their main goal is to release that small portion of the fascia that’s responsible for the symptoms. The cuts are usually made just beyond the origin of the fascia, where it comes off the heel bone.

Doctor examining a patient's foot 

How Does the Whole Procedure Go?

The percutaneous plantar fasciotomy procedure is performed using a minimally invasive approach and is typically carried out under local anesthesia, ensuring you remain comfortable throughout the process. During the surgery, your doctor will make a small incision, approximately 2 mm in length, which is why this type of minimally invasive surgery is often referred to as keyhole surgery.

Next, the surgeon will carefully release the problematic portion of the plantar fascia, addressing the source of the chronic pain. It is crucial for the surgeon to exercise precision during this step to avoid disrupting the entire fascia, as it plays a vital role in maintaining the stability of your foot’s arch. After releasing the targeted area, the incision will be closed, and bandages will be applied to promote proper healing.

Typically, the entire procedure lasts around 15 to 20 minutes. Since percutaneous plantar fasciotomy is a minimally invasive surgery, the recovery time is often shorter compared to traditional open surgery. Following the procedure, you can typically return home on the same day.

It’s important to note that each case is unique, and the specifics of the procedure may vary depending on individual circumstances. Your doctor will provide you with personalized information and instructions based on your specific condition and needs.

How Long Is the Recovery?

One of the significant advantages of minimally invasive foot surgery is its faster recovery time compared to traditional surgery. This means that you can expect to resume your everyday routine relatively quickly. The duration of the recovery period can vary depending on the complexity of your case, typically ranging from three weeks to three months.

Within a few days after the procedure, you can anticipate transitioning from specialized footwear to regular shoes and begin walking with limited weight bearing. Your doctor will provide specific instructions tailored to your situation to ensure a smooth recovery. It is crucial to follow their guidance diligently to facilitate the healing process and optimize your results.

While the recovery time for percutaneous plantar fasciotomy is generally shorter than traditional surgery, it is essential to note that individual healing processes can vary. Your doctor will monitor your progress and provide you with regular check-ups to ensure that your recovery is progressing as expected. Be sure to communicate any concerns or questions you may have during this time to receive appropriate guidance and support.

Are There Some Possible Risks and Complications?

Risks and Complications of Percutaneous Plantar Fasciotomy:

  • Minimal chances of complications.
  • Potential risks include:
    • Infection at the incision site.
    • Recurring heel pain despite the surgery.
    • Nerve damage.
  • These complications are relatively rare.
  • Your doctor will take precautions to minimize risks.
  • Open communication with your healthcare provider is essential.
  • They will provide detailed information and address any concerns.

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance specific to your situation.

Consult Your Doctor in Miami About Percutaneous Plantar Fasciotomy

If you’re struggling with chronic pain in your heel, don’t put off visiting the doctor – why struggle when this is something that can be solved with a simple procedure? Before you decide whether this surgery is the right choice for you, it’s best to consult with an experienced doctor who can tell you more about it and inform you of all the risks and benefits. 

Every member of our team here at Luxe Foot Surgery clinic will be more than happy to help you out – our doctors are known for their skills and professionalism. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your free first consultation – we are more than happy to help you out. 


Is Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Worth It?

Yes, plantar fasciitis surgery is well worth it. Instead of struggling with chronic heel pain, you can decide to have this minimally invasive procedure that will improve your quality of life by a lot. The surgery is quick – 15 to 20 minutes – and the recovery period is quite quick as well. You will be back on your feet in a few days, and a full recovery is expected after three weeks to three months. 

What Is the Success of Plantar Fasciotomy?

The success rate of plantar fasciotomy is 70-90% – there is still a possibility of the pain returning after surgery. Still, in most cases, this procedure brings excellent results. 

How Long Is Recovery for Open Plantar Fasciotomy?

The recovery time for open plantar fasciotomy can take up to seven months. That’s way longer than the recovery time for minimally invasive plantar fasciotomy, which makes this procedure a better option. 

How Long After Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Can I Walk?

When you’ll be able to get back to walking after plantar fasciotomy depends on the complexity of your case and whether you had a minimally invasive procedure or not. Some patients can put limited weight on their foot a few days after surgery, and some may take a few weeks. 


  1. exakt health. Surgery for plantar fasciitis: What you need to know [Internet]. exakt health. [Accessed on April 21, 2023]. Available from:
  2. Bon Secours. Plantar Fascia Release Surgery [Internet]. Bon Secours. [Accessed on April 21, 2023]. Available from:
  3. emedicine health. What Is the Success Rate of Plantar Fasciitis Surgery? [Internet]. emedicine health. [Accessed on April 21, 2023]. Available from:


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