Plantar Wart vs. Corn

Plantar Wart vs. Corn: Understanding the Differences

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It’s well-known that plantar warts and foot corns aren’t the same thing – but they still often get confused with one another. So, how to tell them apart? Check out our text about plantar wart vs. corn on the foot and learn all about these common podiatric conditions.

Now that you know what corns and warts are, let’s go over some of the main differences that can help you tell them apart if you suspect you have one of these conditions on your feet. Here’s what you need to ask yourself. 

Do They Look Different?

Warts and corns look a bit similar – at least when it comes to their size and shape. Both lesions are small, round. Additionally, they are both rough to the touch. But the main difference is that warts have black dots in their centers, while corns don’t. 

Are They Located in Different Places

Are They Located in Different Places?

We’ve mentioned above that both lesions can occur on feet, but warts are usually located on the soles of your feet, while corns have various places where they can form – it depends on which part of the foot is exposed to excessive pressure. Still, it’s worth mentioning that warts can also occur on toes. 

Do They Show Different Symptoms? 

The symptoms are pretty similar. The main one is, of course, pain. The patient may experience discomfort or tenderness in the area where the lesion is located. Warts can sometimes bleed. Corn can be surrounded by inflamed skin that’s painful to touch. 

What Are Plantar Warts?

Plantar warts, also known as verruca plantaris, are benign, small bumps on the soles of the feet caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Although warts aren’t dangerous, they can cause pain and discomfort and spread to other areas of your skin – they’re not just limited to feet. 

What Are the Causes of Plantar Warts?

This is essentially a skin infection – warts form when there’s a cut in the skin where the virus can enter and cause an infection. Everybody can get this infection, but some groups are more likely to get them – children, the elderly, and those with autoimmune system diseases (or weakened immune systems). 

What Are the Causes of Plantar Warts

What Are Corns?

A foot corn is a thickened, hardened area of the skin that can form on any part of the foot – on top of the toes, between toes, on the sides of the foot, or on the soles. There are three types of corns: hard corns, soft corns, and seed corns. 

What Are the Causes of Corns?

Corns are caused by repeated pressure or friction to certain areas of the foot. This can be due to many reasons, but it’s usually because of uncomfortable footwear. Other causes are sports activities, walking barefoot, and foot deformities (like hammertoes and bunions). 

How Are They Treated?

Both of these conditions should be treated by a skilled podiatrist. Even though there are some at-home treatments for corns, these often don’t provide satisfactory results. Eventually, complex cases of corns will have to be treated with corn removal surgery. Warts are commonly treated with lasers or surgery. Whichever condition you have, your best bet is to reach out to your foot doctor

Visit Your Podiatrist in Miami and Find Out if You Have Warts or Corns

If you have a foot problem and don’t know what it is, the best way to approach this issue is by visiting your podiatrist in Miami, who can examine you and give a diagnosis. If you don’t know who to reach out to, our Luxe Foot Surgery clinic is the perfect place for you. We have skilled doctors who can treat warts and corns in a blink of an eye – contact us to schedule your free first appointment.


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