Prevention of Corns on Toes

Prevention of Corns on Toes

Table of Contents

Although home treatment options, cryotherapy, or corn removal surgery can all be effective ways of getting rid of corns, you won’t need to undergo any of them if you know how to prevent them. If you want to know more about the prevention of corns on the toes, the following article will provide you with all the answers you need. 

What Are Corns?

Corns are small areas of hardened skin that can occur on top of your toes, on the side of your small toe, on the sole of your feet, and even between your toes. This thickening of the skin occurs when an area of your foot suffers from repeated pressure and friction, usually because of ill-fitting footwear, overuse, or some foot deformity.

How to Know You Have Corns?

You’ll be able to tell whether or not you have a corn by simply examining your feet. However, keep in mind that people often mistake corns for calluses – and vice versa. Corns are usually deeper and smaller than calluses and can be painful, while calluses usually cover a larger part of the foot and appear solely in weight-bearing areas. If you’re not able to conclude which type of foot condition you have, don’t hesitate to talk to an expert in this field. 

Is Prevention of Corns on Toes Possible?

Preventing foot corns from forming is achievable, but you need to remove the possible source of friction and pressure. That means that you need to avoid wearing shoes with a narrow toe box, as well as shoes that are too small or too large. 

Use Proper Foot Care

You need to keep your feet clean and dry and trim your toenails regularly. If toenails grow too long, they can reduce the space in shoes for your feet, which will force your feet and toes into abnormal positions. At the same time, it is advisable to use some moisturizing products that will help you keep the skin on your feet soft. 

Use of Padding and Cushioning

If you notice that some parts of your feet are exposed to pressure and friction, make sure to protect them. For that purpose, you can use lamb’s wool, bandages, or non-medicated corn pads on the top of your toes or on the side of your small toe.

When Should You See the Doctor?

Once corns occur, you can try different home treatments and over-the-counter options, but the most effective way to get rid of corns permanently is by undergoing foot corn surgery. You should seek medical help when you want to remove a corn promptly, but also if the pain it’s causing has intensified since it can be a sign of an infected corn. Additionally, if you are more prone to infection due to some medical condition, such as diabetes, you should not try to remove the corn on your own. 

Consult Your Doctor in Miami if You Need to Get Rid of Corns on Your Toes

If the prevention methods don’t seem to work and you notice that a corn has formed on your foot, don’t hesitate to look for a reliable corn removal surgery clinic that can help you get rid of it. Our knowledgeable team at Luxe Foot Surgery is here if you need consultation, advice, and, in the end, a successful corn removal procedure. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible and book your free appointment.


Why Do I Keep Getting a Corn on My Toe?

Corns on feet typically occur due to pressure and friction, so you need to remove their source if you don’t want to keep getting corns on your toes. Wearing more suitable shoes should be your first step.

How Do You Prevent Corns From Happening?

Wearing properly fitting shoes, practicing good foot hygiene, and protecting areas of your feet that suffer from pressure and friction are all good methods for preventing foot corns. 

Why Do I Keep Getting Corns?

Recurring corns occur because the source of pressure and friction has not been removed. Once you remove it, you should be able to get rid of corns for good. 

Is There a Way to Permanently Remove Corns?

The most effective way to permanently remove corns is with the help of medical experts and corn removal surgery.

  • Reynolds K, Schwellnus MP, Derman W. Footwear, foot orthoses and prevention of injuries in military personnel. S Afr Med J. 2015;105(5):404-408. doi: 10.7196/SAMJ.9288. Accessed March 15, 2023


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