
Tailor Bunion Surgery Miami

If you need to have a consultation for tailor bunion surgery in Miami, you can schedule your appointment with us. At Luxe Foot Surgery we are here to give you the best service and support you in the process, from the beginning to the end. At the Luxe Foot Surgery facilities, we have a full range of advanced equipment to perform minimally invasive tailor bunion surgery.

Our staff is highly trained and also provides the humane and ethical treatment. Tailor bunion surgery service in Miami is fully guaranteed at Luxe Foot Surgery. You can contact us by phone or through our social networks. We are here for you!




20 – 40 Min


2 week


6 weeks

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What is tailor bunion surgery?

Tailor bunion surgery is an outpatient procedure, so the patient can return home the same day. If the tailor bunion is found on both feet, in each surgical procedure only one foot or both will be treated, depending on the specialist’s decision. The most widely used technique for tailor bunion surgery is to lower the bony protrusion and restore the correct position of the little toe.

The surgery begins with an opening being made over the prominent lump. After opening the incision, the lump is carefully removed, and then the bone is filed or cut with an electric saw, a technique known as osteotomy. Then we proceed to reposition the bones, both the metatarsal and the phalanges of the fifth toe, which will cause the foot to narrow again. To hold the osteotomy in place, one or more tiny metal screws are inserted between the metatarsal and the phalanx. These screws will be permanently implanted. Dissolvable stitches are usually applied to the skin to close the opening again.

Fluoroscope C arm in protective case with television to broadcast in modern clinic operating room

Types of Tailor Bunion Surgery

There are two types of surgery that are commonly used to remove a tailor bunion: traditional surgery and minimally invasive surgery. Let’s look at what each one consists of.

Traditional Tailor Bunion Surgery

Traditional open-surgical correction techniques are used in this type of surgery. Larger incisions are made to remove the bony protrusion. The fifth metatarsal bone is also cut, and elevation is achieved by inserting a screw, pin, or plate. Finally, the incision is sutured. This type of surgery usually involves the patient leaving the room in a cast and having to use crutches for several weeks to keep their weight off their feet. While healing is taking place, the foot should not take the weight of your body, as this weight could displace the bone and cause incorrect healing.

Minimally Invasive Tailor Bunion Surgery

This type of surgery is also known as percutaneous or minimal incision surgery. It is performed with special instruments that make it possible to perform surgery through a small opening of only 3 to 5 mm in the protuberance. In this way, the trauma is minimized, so there is no great swelling, there is less pain and the recovery time is shorter for the patient. This type of surgery is performed under fluoroscopic vision, which allows the surgeon to carefully maneuver around structures adjacent to the deformity.
A teenager holds the foot of another who is in pain while sitting on an urban staircase

Who Needs Tailor Bunion Surgery?

There are two ways to treat a tailor bunion. One of them follows non-surgical methods while the other is the surgical method. Doctors generally recommend surgery after the tailor bunion has not improved with non-surgical treatment, that is, if the pain continues and the bump continues to grow and deform the foot. Surgery becomes necessary when the deformity does not subside and prevents the foot from functioning normally, despite having tried conservative treatments. Surgery is also needed when the pain is severe or chronic and affects the ability to walk.

The anatomical condition of a tailor bunion develops slowly over years. In some cases, the tailor bunion usually begins to appear at an early age in patients, but without causing discomfort until after a few years. It is usually around the age of 40 that a tailor bunion can become large enough to cause pain and require surgery. In other cases, the condition appears and grows rapidly, so it can cause discomfort as early as adolescence.

Goals of Tailor Bunion Surgery

There are three main objectives of tailor bunion surgery:

  1. Eliminate pain: As we know, pain can be a determining factor for a patient to need tailor bunion surgery. With this surgery, the protuberance of the toe is removed and the affected part of the bone is cut, in order to return the foot to its normal anatomy. This will make the pain that is so characteristic of this condition disappear.
  2. Correct the deformity: Another of the objectives of tailor bunion surgery is to correct the deformity of the foot, thanks to repositioning the fifth toe in its place, that is, performing the alignment. For this, a replacement bone cut is performed.
  3. Restore the functionality and aesthetics of the foot: After surgery, it is expected that the foot can function normally and that the aesthetic aspect of its anatomy improves.

Tailor Bunion Surgery Cost

The prices of a tailor bunion surgery vary according to some factors, such as the clinic where the operation is performed, the doctors, or the conditions in which the foot deformity is found in the patient. The cost of tailor bunion surgery is usually the same or slightly less than that of normal bunion surgery. It is also possible that some health insurances include this type of procedure in their plan. In those cases, a low deductible can be charged, which will be around $500, or a higher one, depending on the plan. Prices for tailor bunion surgery can be broken down as follows, based on the factors we’ve already seen:

  • Between $1,500 and $10,000 in hospital costs.
  • Between $500 and $1500 in anesthesia costs.
  • Between $500 and $1500 for the cost of the equipment.
  • Between $750 and $1500 in surgeon’s fees.

In conclusion, we can say that a tailor bunion surgery in Miami has a cost that ranges between $3,250 and $6,500

How much recovery time do I need after tailor bunion surgery?

The approximate recovery time after tailor bunion surgery ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. Whether it is more or less time within said range, will depend on the speed with which the body of each patient recovers. The recovery goes through several phases, in which the normal functions of the foot will be restored. Let’s examine the stages of recovery.

1. Immediate stage after surgery

The patient is given a rigid and padded shoe that helps the weight of the body fall on the heel, while protecting the part of the body that has been operated on. The clinic physiotherapist will instruct the patient on the correct way to use the crutches to avoid supporting the weight of the body on the feet. Personalized exercises are also indicated for the patient to perform at home when they feel ready to do them.

2. First two weeks after surgery

In these first two weeks, it is best to rest the foot as long as possible. When the first week is about to end, the strongest postoperative pain will have ceased. In the course of the second week and to the extent that the patient feels it possible, they can begin to use their feet to walk short distances inside the house. For these first few walks, you should still wear the special shoes that were provided after the operation. At this stage, you should also practice physiotherapy exercises and move your toes as much as possible.

3. Third week after surgery

This is the time to start wearing the fifth toe alignment splint. This splint should be worn for the next three to four weeks. At this stage, it is still important to perform the toe flexion exercises. The exercises will help reduce the consequences of painful surgeries, in addition to preventing the joints from becoming stiff from rest.

4. Between the fourth and sixth week after surgery

At this stage, the patient can return to wearing normal flat shoes and walk in them for short distances. To choose the type of footwear we must take into account that even at this time inflammation can occur in the feet. In the sixth week, you can start doing light sports and start driving. But it is important not to overdo the use of the foot, and long-distance walks should be avoided.

5. Week twelve after surgery

By this time (a month and a half after tailor’s bunion surgery) you will be able to walk normally and practice high-impact sports. In addition, you can wear any footwear you want, even those with high heels.

Tailor Bunion Surgery Benefits

Below we list some of the most anticipated benefits of tailor bunion surgery:

  • It is a walk-in surgery. The patient returns home the same day, so hospital admission is not required.
  • Thanks to the minimally invasive surgical technique, the patient does not have a visible scar.
  • Eliminates the bump on the fifth metatarsal head.
  • Removes the pain caused by the bunion.
  • Improves the aesthetics of the foot.
  • Allows you to use the footwear again without discomfort.
  • It happens with as little pain as possible.
  • Surgery is quick to do.
  • Restores the normal position of the fifth toe.

Possible Risks of Tailor Bunion Surgery

One of the questions our patients ask the most is the possible risks that tailor bunion surgery may have. Obviously, like all surgery, tailor bunion surgery may involve some risks, although as we have already seen, the success rate is quite high. Surgeons, before performing the procedure, have a duty to inform patients about the possible risks they could suffer. These are some of the risks:

Postoperative pain

Some pain is normal after tailor bunion surgery. But by following the surgeon’s instructions, the pain can be minimized. Some of the indications will be:

  • Place ice on the toe intermittently.
  • Keep the place where the incision was made protected.
  • Keep the extremity elevated with 1 or 2 pillows for as long as possible.
  • Take medicine to prevent pain.
  • Maintain good hygiene.
  • Do not overload the foot with the weight of the body.
  • Perform the appropriate cures.

Postoperative pain does not have to be a problem. But if it persists or is too uncomfortable, it will be necessary to go to the surgeon as soon as possible.


One of the risks of tailor’s bunion surgery is infection. However, this problem has a very low incidence: only 1%. In addition, the infection usually subsides with a plan of antibiotics. If it becomes very complicated, there are several treatments that can be followed. The most important thing is to stop the infection at its initial stage, to avoid further complications or serious consequences. The most common symptoms of infection are the following:

  • Fever.
  • Tremors and chills.
  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Feel a lot of pain
  • Having a lot of swelling in the foot or leg.
  • A high temperature around the bandage or near the surgical incision site.
  • Skin redness in the surgery area.
  • Drainage of lymphatic fluids, this may be bloody or contain pus.

To avoid infection, the ideal is to follow the recommendations indicated by the surgeon. It is important to keep the site clean, dry, and covered with bandages until after 3 or 4 weeks of recovery.

Damaged nerve

This is another of the risks of tailor’s bunion surgery. The nerves responsible for giving a feeling to the skin of the foot are near the area where the surgery is performed. Nerve damage has a rate of no more than 5%, so it is quite rare for it to occur. When the toe feels sleepy a few days after the operation, it may mean that the nerve has been damaged. Most commonly, the sensitivity returns on its own when nerve connections are restored since this problem is mainly due to the nerve having a bruise.


The risk of clots forming in the foot after surgery is less than 3%. However, it is something that can happen. Thrombosis in this case consists of the formation of blood clots in a deep vein of the leg. For those patients who are at higher risk of deep vein thrombosis or TPV, anticoagulant medications may be prescribed after surgery.

The cause of clots is that by keeping the foot basically still, blood flow is decreased and blood can pool in the calf and leg area on the side where surgery was performed. The danger of thrombosis is that some of the clots can travel up the leg to the lungs and cause an embolism, which could lead to death if not caught early. There are some symptoms that there are clots, and any of them should see a doctor immediately:

  • Chest pain.
  • The foot or leg remains swollen.
  • Having chills or shaking.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Present a lot of pain.

Undercorrection and recurrence

This is another of the risks that are run after a tailor’s bunion surgery. As with any operation that involves the bones, there is a risk that they will not heal, in addition to setting in a bad position. On the other hand, it can also happen that the fifth metatarsal bulge is still visible after surgery. In any case, this type of problem has a very low incidence of no more than 5%. To verify that the bone is in the correct position, the surgeon will take x-rays at follow-up visits.

On the other hand, in case the bone does not heal, some patients do not feel discomfort, while in others the pain persists up to 6 or 8 weeks after surgery, with redness and swelling. The doctor will determine if a second intervention is necessary or if other methods can be used to correct the bone.

Causes of a tailor bunion

Today it is known that the causes of tailor bunion are multifactorial. Although in the past the tailor bunion was associated with the cross-legged position in which seamstresses remained to do their work (hence the name given to the disorder), today it is known that this deformity may be due not only to mechanical conditions. Hereditary factors or the type of footwear used, as well as a predisposition of the fifth metatarsal to this deformity, also play a role. The tailor bunion is not due to bone growth, nor to a calcium deposit, nor is it a bone tumor, as is thought. The origin of this condition can be due to any of the following causes:

Hereditary factors

Genetic inheritance generates incorrect mechanics in the movement of the foot. If the parents or grandparents suffered from this deformation, there are chances that the descendants will suffer from it.

Flat foot

Having the fifth metatarsal bone lower than normal generates abnormal movements of this bone when performing plantar flexion.

Inverted foot

That is, walking with a tendency to lean out.

Ligamentous laxity

That is, having loose ligaments or having the foot extended.

Muscle tension

Muscle tension, particularly in the calf muscles, is a common issue that many individuals experience. This tension can manifest as a feeling of tightness, discomfort, or even pain in the calves. The tendency to frequently tense the calf muscle can be attributed to various factors, ranging from physical activities to psychological stress.


Footwear is always one of the factors that most generate foot problems. The use of certain types of shoes that are very tight, pointy or with high heels, can be the cause of a tailor bunion. The same happens if very tight shoe sizes are used, or very small shoes, or with worn or deformed soles. To avoid this disorder, we recommend consulting with a podiatrist which is the best footwear according to the type of foot.


Frequently asked questions

Below, we will answer some of the frequently asked questions our patients ask about tailor bunion surgery.

Tailor bunion is a foot disease, also known by the scientific name of Quintus varus. It is characterized by an enlarged prominence or bulge that appears near the fifth or little toe. A tailor bunion forms on the outside of the front of the foot, on the base of the fifth toe, on the lateral condyle of the fifth metatarsal. The deformation is accompanied by a “varus” deviation (twist) of the fifth toe. Hence its scientific name.


Anatomically, the tailor’s bunion is located on the fifth metatarsal bone, at the rounded end of this bone, that is, the lateral condyle of the fifth metatarsal. The metatarsal bones are the long bones that make up the foot before the toes. They articulate with the phalanges, which are the small bones that give shape to the toes. Each toe is made up of two phalanges, and one of them is attached to the corresponding metatarsal bone.


According to statistics, tailor bunion surgery has an 85% success rate. Of the remaining 15%, 12% improve, but still present some limitations in the use of certain types of footwear or to carry out some activities. The remaining 3% of patients who undergo tailor’s bunion surgery do not have any improvement, but their condition does not worsen either. This means that the success rate for tailor’s bunion surgery is quite high.

Although the condition caused by a tailor bunion is not always painful, sometimes it can be, and a lot. It is at this point that it is almost always decided to proceed with surgery to alleviate the symptoms. When the bump reaches a large size, it begins to become uncomfortable and hurt during walks. Tailor’s bunion makes moving a strenuous act. On the other hand, it causes discomfort because the shoes are tighter due to the pressure they exert on the bunion. A callus can also develop on the lower, outer area of the joint, which will cause further discomfort. With surgery, all these discomforts should cease.

Tailor bunion surgery typically takes between 20 minutes and 1 hour. The time depends on how complicated the patient’s deformity is. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the times of going into and leaving the clinic. Patients typically arrive 1 hour in advance so paperwork can be reviewed and preparations made before entering the operating room. When the surgeon enters the operating room, he will indicate the correct position that the patient must take on the stretcher. The rest will depend on the skill of the surgeon to surgically solve the tailor’s bunion.

Generally, a tailor’s bunion is very easy to diagnose, due to the very characteristic appearance that the foot acquires. Before surgery, some studies are performed, such as x-rays, to determine the cause of the disorder and the degree of foot deformity. Some other tests may also be done to determine the general health conditions of the patient.

Next, the surgeon will draw up a plan on how to perform the operation. It is important that patients indicate if they are allergic to metals or any substances, or if they have ever had a complication during surgery. You must also declare if there are problems with smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, or any kind of substance or supplement.

The name of the tailor bunion is due to the fact that it was a very common deformity in people who practiced the profession of sewing in the 19th century. In the old days, tailors sat cross-legged to do their work. They could remain for many hours in this position, in which the outer edge of both feet rests on the ground. This produces an area of frequent and constant pressure on the outer edge of the base of the fifth toe, which first generates a callus and then inflammation of the lateral condyle of the fifth metatarsal, which is considered one of the causes of the disease.
After tailor bunion surgery, you should not walk or support your body with the operated foot. Although it is a relatively minor surgery, it requires cutting and positioning of the bones, so it needs to heal well. During the first week, all you have to do is rest, preferably in a recliner or in bed. It is necessary to keep the foot elevated with the help of pillows, as long as possible. After this time, a knee scooter crutch can be used, so as not to support the weight of the body on the foot. Thus, the use of a surgical boot that protects the foot is also pertinent.
For tailor bunion surgery, anesthesia is applied, so the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. In addition, when the surgery is over, local anesthesia is applied to the foot to avoid the pain that can be felt right after the operation. When leaving the operating room, the foot will be bandaged, numb, and pain-free. When the effect of the last local anesthesia wears off, normal postoperative pain can be experienced, but this can be controlled with analgesics and anti-inflammatories.
Once the toe has fully healed (after 6 to 8 weeks of recovery) complete pain relief can be expected. At that time, normal physical activity should be restored, although not sports. To do sports you must wait 6 to 12 more months. Mild foot swelling can still persist for up to a year. Most patients are satisfied with the results of the operation.

After tailor bunion surgery, the physiotherapist will indicate the exercises to be performed in the different stages of rehabilitation. There are some movements to achieve with physical therapy, such as:

  • Re-educate gait to walk well again after several weeks of rest.
  • Exercises to restore mobility to the toes.
  • Exercises to reduce inflammation.
  • Exercises to decrease muscle tension and promote relaxation and flexibility.


To drive an automatic car, if the surgery was performed on the left foot, the patient can drive again from the third week after surgery. If the car has a manual transmission, or the surgery occurred on the right foot, it is recommended to start driving only when six weeks have passed since the operation. In any case, before starting to carry out this type of activity, it is always prudent to consult your doctor. It is also important to ask the car insurer, to make sure if it covers any traffic event that may occur when driving in these conditions.
The time it takes to return to work will depend on both the type of work being done and how quickly the body recovers from tailor bunion surgery. For example, for office jobs or similar, in which you can remain seated all the time, perhaps the person can get up after the first 2 weeks of recovery. But in the case of jobs that involve movement, standing, or a lot of activity, it is best to wait until the eighth week.

The answer is yes. In some cases, the tailor’s bunion deformity can be corrected through conservative or non-surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatments are best implemented when the bunion is growing. This prevents it from hurting a lot (at which point surgery may be imminent). Some of the conservative measures that can be taken are as follows.

  • Medication plan: Anti-inflammatory medications are a good help in improving the symptoms of chronic pain. However, this is not a long-term solution, because taking too much can affect other parts of the body, such as the stomach.
  • Putting padding to the shoes: There are some accessories to padding the foot that can be found in pharmacies. This padding can relieve the pressure that the shoe puts on the bunion. They generally sit comfortably on their foot.
  • Braces : Custom braces or orthotics are one of the most effective conservative methods of improving a tailor’s bunion. There is a wide variety of these devices (splints, correctors, separators, protectors, etc.) and the specialist doctor will be able to indicate which is the most appropriate.
  • Arch supports for the sole of the foot: Wearing arch supports can help improve foot posture when walking. That will make it more comfortable to walk in shoes, without the need for surgical intervention.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: The bunion bump creates pain when pressed with the shoe because that affects the nerve. The conservative treatment proposes replacing the use of narrow and high shoes with wider ones, with greater support in the sole, and that have a softer material, so that pressure can be avoided as much as possible.

There are home remedies that are also part of the conservative methods to improve the condition and pain of a tailor’s bunion. Let’s look at some:

  • Placing ice: Put ice on the sore area for 5 to 10 minutes 1 to 3 times a day, preferably at night. It’s a great pain reliever. However, this method is not recommended for those with poor circulation or sensation problems.
  • Stretch the shoes: You can take the shoes to a workshop where they stretch them. In this way, the pressure of the material on the bunion is decreased. There are also those who make a cross or X cut to the shoe in the exact area where the bunion rubs.
  • Exercises: Calf stretching exercises can be done for 30 to 60 seconds on each leg, at least 2 times a day. This exercise consists of standing in front of the wall leaving an arm’s length away from the body. The gaze goes to the wall. Then one leg is stepped forward while the other is fully stretched back. The stretch should be done until the knee is straight and tension is felt in the calf.
At first, it may be a little difficult to adjust to sleeping with devices designed to correct tailor bunions. But once the body adjusts to the sensation of wearing the device, it won’t be uncomfortable.
Depending on the condition of each patient’s deformity, tailor bunion surgery will have screws or not. In case you have screws, these are tiny, and their function is to provide stability to prevent the bone from moving and setting in a bad position. In most cases, the screws are implanted into the bone, so they are not removed again.
No, a tailor bunion should not recur if the surgery is successful. When the problem is corrected well, there is no chance that the bunion will appear again. However, if patients return to the habits that caused the problem, the bunion may return. For example, many women who have surgery return to wearing high-heeled, pointed-toe shoes too often, and in such cases, a tailor’s bunion can recur. That is why it is important to understand how the foot works and the forces that have deformed it, in order to eliminate the causes of the tailor’s bunion and prevent it from reappearing.

Tailor bunion surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the case. In addition, your foot is injected with a local anesthetic to make it numb after surgery. The objective of this last application of local anesthesia is to minimize postoperative pain for the patient.

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