Treatment for Cracked Heels in Miami

At Luxe Foot Surgery, we understand the discomfort and aesthetic concerns that come with cracked heels. If you’re in need of treatment for this condition, our excellent dermatological services are here to help. Our advanced and effective methods will restore your feet to their normal state. With comfortable and welcoming facilities, we strive to ensure your experience is as pleasant as possible. Our philosophy revolves around providing a humane, friendly, and professional approach to patient care.




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Understanding Cracked Heels or Heel Fissures

Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, are a common and frequent skin problem affecting the feet. Statistics reveal that approximately 20% of the adult population in the United States has experienced cracked heels at some point in their lives. These fissures or cracks appear on the skin of the lower part of the heels, specifically along the edges. Cracked heels occur when the skin on the underside of the heel becomes dry, thickened, and hardened. These cracks are often associated with the formation of calluses, which are thick layers of skin.

Most people with cracked heels do not experience discomfort.

Cracked heels, or heel fissures, are a common skin issue that affects many individuals. These fissures are characterized by the appearance of cracks or splits in the skin along the edges of the heels. Cracked heels occur when the skin on the underside of the heel becomes dry, thickened, and hardened, often accompanied by the formation of calluses.

Although cracked heels are prevalent, they generally do not cause significant health problems. However, their unsightly appearance may make individuals uncomfortable, even if they don’t experience pain. Some people may feel discomfort and pain while walking, especially when the cracks become deeper.

Risks of Cracked Heels: Understanding the Potential Consequences

While having cracked heels does not pose an inherent danger to one’s health, there are certain risks associated with this condition, particularly for specific patients. The most common risks include infection or cellulitis, pain and bleeding, and the development of foot ulcers, especially for individuals with diabetes. Understanding these risks is crucial for proactive management and prevention.

  • Infection or Cellulitis:
    One of the dangers of having cracked heels is the potential for infection in the fissures. The foot is often exposed to environmental impurities, making it vulnerable to pathogens if the skin on the edge of the heel has cracks. This can lead to cellulitis, a bothersome skin infection that often requires antibiotic treatment.
  • Pain and Bleeding:
    When heel cracks are deep, patients may experience pain and bleeding, particularly when standing or walking. The discomfort caused by these deep cracks can significantly impact daily activities and mobility.
  • Ulcers:
    Individuals with diabetes need to be particularly cautious about cracked heels as they are prone to developing foot ulcers. Foot ulcers are difficult to heal and can lead to severe complications if not properly managed.
Cost of Cracked Heel Treatment in Miami

Cost of Cracked Heel Treatment in Miami

The cost of cracked heel treatment typically ranging from $10 to $30. On the other hand, patients requiring regular professional treatment to manage their heel fissures will need to make ongoing visits to a podiatrist until the condition improves. This can result in costs of approximately $30 to $70 every few weeks for months or even a lifetime. For cases where fissures improve after a few treatment sessions, the total cost can be estimated at around $300.

Over-the-counter or prescribed ointments can be used by some patients to treat heel fissures, the price can vary depending on the clinic or office visited and the type of treatment recommended by the doctor. The good news is that even individuals with deep cracks in their heels can be treated without incurring excessive expenses. Complications and costs tend to increase when there are associated issues such as infection, cellulitis, or ulcers.

Causes of cracked heels

Causes of cracked heels

Cracked heels emerge from a fascinating, albeit discomforting, interplay of skin changes and bodily pressure. At the fringe of the heel, the skin often experiences a gradual metamorphosis – drying out, hardening, and adopting an almost armor-like toughness. Layer after layer of arid skin accumulates, forming a calloused shell not unlike the bark of a tree.

However, this dermal fortress is no match for the insistent force of the human body’s weight. The pressure exerted onto the heel’s fat pad – a cushioning structure that bears our body weight whenever we stand, walk, or run – is enough to produce fissures in the thickened border of the skin. These cracks are more than mere aesthetic concerns; they signify the point where nature’s solution to protecting the heel falls short against the ceaseless force of our own body weight. This intricate chain of events and reactions is the foundation of the problem we know as cracked heels.

Cracked Heels Risk Factors

Anyone can experience cracked heels, but certain risk factors increase the likelihood of their occurrence. The most common risk factors include:

  • Wearing open-heeled footwear such as sandals, more commonly adopted by women.
  • The habit of taking hot showers or baths.
  • The use of harsh, drying soaps can damage the skin’s natural barrier, leading to dryness.
  • People with naturally dry and cold skin.
    Living in a climate with extreme cold and dry conditions.
  • Standing for extended periods, which exerts extra pressure on the heel edge, leading to cracks.
  • Obesity and overweight conditions can cause cracked heels due to increased pressure on the heel edges. In such cases, the skin stretches and thins out, drying more easily.

Medical Conditions as Risk Factors for Cracked Heels

Apart from the above factors, certain pre-existing medical conditions can predispose individuals to cracked heels:

  • Menopause: Post-menopause, some women may develop a condition known as acquired keratoderma, a skin disorder that can cause heel and body-wide skin cracking.
  • Hypothyroidism: This disease, characterized by inadequate hormone production by the thyroid gland, slows skin cell renewal, affecting the outer layer of the heels and causing dryness.
  • Juvenile plantar Dermatitis: This condition affects children and adolescents aged 2 to 15. It causes inflammation of the skin on the feet and hands, leading to redness, shiny skin, scaling, and cracks. These cracks can be painful and may bleed.
  • Athlete’s foot: This fungal infection can sometimes also affect the toenails. One variant of this fungus, known as moccasin-type athlete’s foot, can cause the skin of the heel to thicken and dry out, making the patient more susceptible to cracked heels.
  • Heel spurs: Heel spurs are calcifications that create a spike on the heel bone. Because of this bone protrusion, the surrounding area can become inflamed and painful. This sustained pressure on the heel is a risk factor for cracked heels.
  • Sjögren’s syndrome: This chronic disorder involves the immune system attacking the glands that produce moisture in the eyes, mouth, and other body parts, including the heels.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes increases the risk of cracked heels due to an oxygen and nutrient deficiency in the skin of the lower trunk. This is caused by reduced blood flow, a consequence of the disease itself, resulting in severe dryness and wounds that are harder to heal. Diabetic individuals with cracked heels should take care to prevent the development of ulcers.
  • Psoriasis: This autoimmune disease can cause painful cracks in the heels. The cracks manifest as uncomfortable wounds, which may also exhibit inflammation, pustules, and redness.

Symptoms Indicating Cracked Heels

Certain symptoms can indicate the presence of cracked heels or a predisposition to developing them:

  • The development of hard, dry skin that thickens around the heel edges.
  • The appearance of calluses on the heel’s edge.
  • Discoloration of skin around the heel, turning yellow or dark brown.
  • Initially, small cracks might be observed on the calluses, which gradually extend and deepen, becoming more painful if left untreated.
  • Deep cracks that lead to bleeding.
  • Feeling discomfort and pain on the heel’s edge when walking or standing.
  • Itching in the heel area.
  • Observing scaly skin around the heel.
  • If an infection develops within the cracks, warmth can be felt in the area, along with redness and swelling.
When Should I See a Doctor for Cracked Heels

When Should I See a Doctor for Cracked Heels?

When signs of dryness appear on the heels, they may respond well to home treatments or the application of ointments, making a visit to a specialist unnecessary. However, it becomes necessary to consult a doctor under the following circumstances:

  1. Persistent heel pain lasting for more than 2 weeks.
  2. If thick, scaly skin is observed, even if cracks have not yet formed.
  3. If cracks are observed on the heel edges.
  4. If you experience severe pain with swelling near the heel.
  5. When there is a tingling sensation and numbness in the heel.
  6. If you experience difficulty in walking normally.
  7. When it becomes difficult to flex the foot downwards or stand on tiptoes.

Who is the Specialist that Treats Cracked Heels?

Podiatrists, also known as podologists, are the medical professionals specializing in conditions affecting the feet and ankles. The term “podiatrist” is preferred in the United States. When suspecting cracked heels or if any of the symptoms described above are present, patients should consult a podiatrist. This specialist will be able to provide the precise treatment for cracked heels, tailored to each case. Referrals to other healthcare professionals, such as a nutritionist or dermatologist, may also be necessary.

In instances where the cracked heels could be a symptom of a systemic health issue, such as diabetes or a thyroid disorder, the podiatrist may refer the patient to other medical professionals. Regular follow-ups with the podiatrist might be needed to ensure the healing process is proceeding well, and the condition is not recurring.

How Do Podiatrists Treat Cracked Heels?

How Do Podiatrists Treat Cracked Heels

If the issue of cracked heels persists despite home treatments, it’s best to consult a podiatrist. As mentioned above, a podiatrist is a specialist in foot conditions and can determine the root cause of cracked heels. Depending on the type of cracks and dryness on your foot, a podiatrist can decide the best treatment plan to alleviate or cure the condition.

After careful observation and conducting necessary tests, the podiatrist can confirm if the cause of the cracks is a metabolic or skin disease. In that case, patients may also need to consult other specialists. Once the source of the cracked heels has been identified, the foot specialist will prescribe a treatment plan. This treatment could include the use of specific creams, following a list of routines, and other care instructions like certain dietary changes.

Types of Medical Treatments for Cracked Heels

Types of Medical Treatments for Cracked Heels

Typically, people who start developing cracks in their heels try to cure them using home remedies before seeing a podiatrist. While these methods work in most cases, in many others, cracked heels continue to worsen without any improvement. This is usually when one decides to visit a foot specialist.

There are various types of medical treatments for cracked heels, which the foot specialist can prescribe depending on the case. The most common treatments to cure cracks in the heels include the following:

Use of Orthotic Insoles or Supports to Prevent Friction

Custom-made orthotic insoles can be used to help minimize the pressure exerted on the heel. Arch supports are also useful, which help correct the foot position that causes increased pressure on the heel. These types of devices can be used long-term and constitute a good non-invasive treatment.

Debridement or Shaving

Debridement and shaving are techniques that help remove the thick layers of dead cells that harden the skin on the edges of the heels. The goal of these techniques is to reduce the size of the crack in the heel. Professional sharp debridement or shaving can be performed by the podiatrist. These can also be combined with frequent filings that patients perform at home. During this treatment, the use of over-the-counter corn pads is not recommended. These contain an acid that can cause ulceration or infection, as the skin will be more sensitive due to the debridement.

Prescription Medications

Typically, medications used to treat cracked heels are focused on relieving the pain caused by the cracks. It should be noted that these types of medications are only palliative and can never really eliminate the problem. Among the medications prescribed for pain relief are:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
  • Aspirin.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Antifungal medications.
  • Topical cortisone to relieve dryness, inflammation, and pain.


Use of Skin Glue

There is a group of topical medications that come in liquid, gel, or spray formats, and are applied directly to the cracks in the heels. They are also known as liquid bandages. It is a curing adhesive, an acrylate glue mixed with hardeners and stabilizers to form a layer that adheres to the skin. Its purpose is to protect and seal the cracks, as well as prevent infections.

Wearing Special Foot and Ankle Bandages

This treatment for cracks in the heels involves wearing bandages or dressings around the heel, with the aim of reducing skin movement. Nutrient masks for the feet can also be used, which are like special socks soaked in moisturizers that are worn to sleep.

Drinking More Water and Improving Diet

Both diet and being well hydrated daily influence the improvement of cracked heels and the health of the skin in general. Consuming a larger amount of foods rich in water and mineral salts, such as fruits and vegetables, helps keep the body hydrated, and therefore improves skin hydration.

On the other hand, consuming the daily amount of water our body needs is crucial. It is considered that, in general, a healthy adult should consume between 2 and 3 liters of water per day, counting the one consumed directly and the one contained in food. A more accurate calculation is from the WHO (World Health Organization), which establishes that a healthy adult needs to consume approximately 35 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight.

What Can I Expect from the Treatment for Cracked Heels

What Can I Expect from the Treatment for Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels have a high cure rate with the treatments we have been discussing. People who need treatment for cracked heels can expect a good recovery, as long as the habits or causes that caused the cracks are also modified. Typically, the treatment for cracks in the heels does not prevent one from carrying on with normal daily activities.

If the cracks are not very deep, they will likely need between 7 to 15 days to heal. If the cracks are more pronounced, they may take about 15 to 30 days to seal. Other patients may take longer to recover, or the cracks may even reappear after some time. These cases are less frequent, and generally, the cracks tend to be associated with other health problems. The treatment for cracked heels becomes complicated when an infection appears or when there are ulcerations.

Possible Complications in the Treatment for Cracked Heels

Most patients can successfully heal their heel fissures by following the mentioned treatments. However, there are potential complications, particularly for deeper cracks, which include infection and ulceration, there are potential complications that may arise during the treatment process. These complications include:

  1. Infection: Cracked heels, especially those with deeper fissures, can become susceptible to infection. Bacteria or fungi can enter the open skin, leading to localized infections or cellulitis. Prompt medical attention is necessary if signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pain, or discharge, are observed.

  2. Ulceration: In some cases, untreated or severe cracks can progress to ulcers. This is particularly common in individuals with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, neuropathy, or vascular insufficiency. Ulcers require specialized care, including regular wound cleaning, debridement, and appropriate dressings to promote healing and prevent complications.

  3. Delayed healing: Some individuals may experience delayed healing of their cracked heels, which can be influenced by factors such as the severity of the cracks, underlying medical conditions, poor circulation, or impaired immune function. In these cases, additional treatment measures, such as advanced wound care techniques, may be necessary to facilitate the healing process.

  4. Recurrence: Cracked heels can recur, especially if the underlying causes and contributing factors are not adequately addressed. It is essential to identify and modify any habits or conditions that contribute to the development of cracked heels to minimize the risk of recurrence.

  5. Discomfort and pain: During the treatment process, individuals may experience discomfort and pain, particularly if deep cracks or ulcerations are present. Proper pain management strategies, such as pain-relieving creams, oral medications, or local anesthesia for procedures, can help alleviate discomfort and promote adherence to the treatment plan.

It is crucial to closely follow the recommendations of healthcare professionals, seek medical attention for any complications or concerns, and maintain proper foot hygiene and care to minimize the risk of complications during the treatment of cracked heels.

How Long Does it Take for a Cracked Heel to Heal?

The time it takes for a cracked heel to heal will depend on the severity of the case. If the cracks are superficial, they are most likely to heal quickly with treatments. Approximately in 1 week, shallow cracked heels can be healed. Even the treatment for shallow cracked heels may consist of removing dead skin and using topical creams and ointments. When the skin is thicker and the cracks in the heels are deeper, then they may take between 2 to 4 weeks to heal. The treatment in these cases can include oral medications and special care.

Who is More Vulnerable to Cracked Heels

Who is More Vulnerable to Cracked Heels?

According to statistical research, adult women have a 50% higher likelihood of experiencing cracked heels. This is likely due to the fact that women tend to wear open-backed footwear such as sandals or open-toed high heels more frequently. However, it is important to note that cracked heels can affect anyone.

Cracked heels are more commonly observed in adulthood compared to childhood or adolescence. Factors such as lifestyle, foot care habits, underlying health conditions, and environmental factors can also contribute to the vulnerability of individuals to develop cracked heels.

It is important for both men and women to maintain proper foot hygiene, choose suitable footwear, moisturize regularly, and address any underlying health conditions that may contribute to dry skin or compromised foot health. By adopting preventive measures and promptly treating any signs of dryness or cracking, individuals can reduce their vulnerability to cracked heels and promote overall foot health.

How to Prevent Cracked Heels

The best way to treat cracked heels is by preventing them from occurring in the first place. There are many ways to promote healthy skin on the edges of the heels, preventing thickening, dryness, and subsequent fissures. Let’s explore some of the most effective preventive measures:

  1. Moisturize the skin of the heels and feet every day, even multiple times a day, using ointments, creams, or lotions.
  2. Avoid using products that can dry out the skin, such as soaps or fragrances containing alcohol, dyes, or other unfavorable chemicals.
  3. Limit prolonged exposure to hot water for the feet.
  4. Opt for warm or lukewarm showers instead of hot showers.
  5. Aim to shower only once a day and keep the time under the shower to 5 to 10 minutes. Prolonged bathing can dry out the skin and worsen the condition of dry heels.
  6. Gently towel dry the feet after washing.
  7. Use soaps and cleansers that contain moisturizers and are gentle on the skin. This helps the body and feet retain their natural oils.
  8. Apply a cream with urea, salicylic acid, or alpha-hydroxy acids after bathing, while the foot skin is still slightly damp. This helps retain moisture for longer.
  9. Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day, aiming for 2 to 3 liters.
  10. Wear socks made of soft, non-abrasive fabrics.
  11. Use a pumice stone to gently exfoliate the edges of the heels and the soles of the feet during bathing, to remove excess dead skin that contributes to hardened areas.
  12. Take foot baths with alkaline salts, which soften the hardened layer of keratin on the skin, calluses, and corns, and stimulate blood circulation while reducing bacterial infections.
  13. Change footwear regularly to avoid constant friction in the same areas that can lead to calluses or corns.
  14. Avoid open-backed shoes such as sandals and backless heels.
  15. Wear shoes with good sole cushioning that are not overly rigid.
  16. Avoid excessive barefoot walking on hard surfaces.

By incorporating these preventive measures into your routine, you can help maintain the health of your feet, reduce the risk of developing cracked heels, and promote overall foot well-being.

Treatment for Cracked Heels

Frequently Asked Questions About Treatment for Cracked Heels

Some of our patients at Luxe Foot Surgery often have frequently asked questions about the treatment for cracked heels. Below, we will answer some of the questions we get asked the most. If you have any question you need to know and it is not on this list, please contact our advisors through a direct call or through social media. Likewise, if you need a specialist to assist you, schedule a free appointment today and we will be happy to assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Treatment for Cracked Heels

Many people prefer to try home remedies for heel fissures before seeking professional help from a podiatrist. While some individuals may find relief and improvement with these remedies, others may not experience the same results. It is essential for those using home remedies to closely monitor the progress of their heel fissures and consider visiting a podiatrist to confirm the effectiveness of the home treatment. Here are some commonly used home remedies for cracked heels:

  1. Use a pumice stone to remove dead skin: A pumice stone is a natural lava stone that is effective in reducing layers of dead skin, calluses, and corns on the feet. Use the pumice stone during a bath or shower when the skin is wet and soft. Gently rub the stone in circular or lateral motions over the hardened areas of the feet. It is important to only remove the top layer of dead skin and avoid damaging the healthy skin. This promotes healthy cell renewal.

  2. Pharmacological foot exfoliants: Pharmacies and drugstores offer various over-the-counter foot exfoliants. Look for products containing granules that help mechanically remove dead skin from the hardened areas of the feet. Apply the exfoliant directly to the foot skin and gently rub it with the palm of your hands. You can also use a special foot brush or sponge to scrub away dead skin. Rinse the feet thoroughly to remove the product, gently towel dry, and apply a moisturizing cream with urea or other ingredients to hydrate the skin.

  3. Natural exfoliants and home remedies for the feet: There are several homemade exfoliants that can be prepared and applied to the feet. These recipes often involve a combination of natural and sometimes industrial ingredients. After preparing the mixture, apply it to the soles of the feet, especially the heels, and massage with your hands. Rinse off the mixture, dry your feet thoroughly, and apply a specialized ointment or moisturizer. Here are some examples of homemade exfoliants:

    • Sea salt, coconut oil, and lemon: Mix 2 tablespoons of sea salt with coconut or baby oil and lemon juice until you achieve a paste-like consistency.
    • Petroleum jelly (Vaseline): Apply it to the feet or heels as an emollient and moisturizer. It can also be used as an ointment after applying exfoliants.
    • Lemon, glycerin, and rose water: Combine these ingredients with water and apply them to the feet or use them as a foot bath. This mixture helps moisturize and soften the skin.
    • Oatmeal with jojoba oil: Mix powdered oatmeal with jojoba oil to form a paste. Apply it directly to the affected areas of the heel. After leaving it on for 10 minutes, rinse off with warm water. This mixture has soothing effects on the heels and improves their appearance.
    • Vegetable oils: Plant-based oils such as coconut, argan, or almond oil work as excellent moisturizers for cracked heels.
    • Banana and avocado: Using ripe bananas and avocados, you can create a hydrating mask for dry or cracked heels. Apply it to the feet for half an hour and then rinse off with running water.
    • Epsom salts: These salts are available in the market. Combine them with enough water (following the instructions on the package) and use the mixture as an exfoliant or for foot soaking for about 20 minutes. You can even add them to the bathtub water for a full-body soak. Afterward, use a pumice stone to remove any remaining dead tissue.
    • Paraffin wax with coconut oil: When combined, these two ingredients not only moisturize the heels but also provide pain relief if necessary.
    • Baking soda: Baking soda is known for its antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also serve as an exfoliant and emollient. Mix half a cup of baking soda with enough water to soak your feet for 20 minutes. Afterward, use a pumice stone. Repeat this procedure twice a week.

These home remedies can provide relief for cracked heels, but it is important to monitor their effectiveness and seek professional help if the condition does not improve or worsens. A podiatrist can offer personalized advice and recommend appropriate treatments for severe or persistent cases of cracked heels.

Yes, one of the risks of having cracked heels is the possibility of acquiring an infection caused by pathogens that can enter and reside within the fissures. These infections can lead to cellulitis or other complications.

Cracked heels create openings in the skin, making it easier for bacteria, fungi, or other microorganisms to enter. When these pathogens penetrate the cracks, they can cause an infection. If left untreated, the infection can spread and result in more serious consequences.

Cellulitis is a common complication that can occur when bacteria enter through the cracks and cause an infection in the deeper layers of the skin. It is characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, and pain in the affected area. In some cases, there may be discharge or the development of an abscess.

To prevent infections, it is important to maintain proper foot hygiene, keep the feet clean and dry, and moisturize regularly. Treating the cracks promptly and avoiding prolonged exposure to unsanitary conditions or environments can help reduce the risk of infections. If you notice signs of infection, such as increasing redness, swelling, warmth, or pus, it is important to seek medical attention.

Cracks in the heels, while not serious in most cases, can pose a health problem if left untreated. Although for many people it may be more of a cosmetic issue than a medical one, in reality, cracked heels should be treated to prevent them from worsening or becoming infected or ulcerated. Here are some of the things that can happen if you ignore cracked heels:

  • Experiencing prolonged pain and discomfort.
  • Having to undergo more frequent debridement treatments.
  • Cracks can become deeper and cause bleeding.
  • Infection or cellulitis.
  • Ulceration, especially for those with diabetic foot.

If you have experienced cracked heels, the key to achieving permanent healing is to incorporate daily care routines that prevent their recurrence. One of the most effective measures is to moisturize your feet daily with specialized heel creams. This can be done before bedtime or multiple times throughout the day. If moisturization alone does not yield significant results, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a podiatrist who can remove the thick, hardened skin from the edges of your heels. At this stage, the specialist may recommend additional methods and actions to prevent the skin from becoming thick and developing cracks in the future.

The best creams for treating and preventing cracked heels are those that are thick or balm-like in consistency. These types of creams are readily available at pharmacies. Some of the most effective creams for treating heel cracks include:

  1. Urea Cream: Look for a urea cream containing between 5% and 20% urea, which is an active ingredient that helps the skin retain water and eliminate scales. If the concentration is higher than 20%, it can function as an exfoliant. If applied directly on the cracks or other open wounds, it may cause a stinging sensation. Recent studies have reported that the use of 25% urea creams can alleviate pain and improve dryness, appearance, and scaling of the skin after four weeks of use in patients with heel cracks.

  2. Salicylic Acid Creams: Salicylic acid is another active component used in creams for treating heel cracks. It works by breaking down the outer layers of the skin, helping to reduce thickness. It is particularly effective for dry and thickened skin on the heel edges. It may cause some stinging if applied directly on the crack.

  3. Petroleum Jelly: Petroleum jelly is a product made from petroleum-derived oils and is also used to prepare vaseline. Petroleum jelly helps maintain hydration in the heel and has an emollient or softening effect on the skin. It prevents dryness and aids in the healing of cracks, scrapes, and burns.

  4. Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Creams: Alpha-hydroxy acids are organic compounds extracted from milk, fruits, sugarcane, among others. Citric acid, lactic acid, and glycolic acid are different types of AHAs. This family of acids is used in creams for treating heel cracks as they help exfoliate the hardened skin on the heel edges and reduce the process of keratinization.

  5. Saccharide Isomerate Creams: Saccharide isomerate, also known as pentavitin, is a moisturizing agent composed of natural carbohydrates found in the stratum corneum of the skin. It has the ability to bind to the skin, retaining moisture for extended periods compared to other products.

When selecting a cream, consider your specific needs and preferences. It is also advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist who can recommend the most suitable cream based on the severity of your cracked heels and any underlying conditions. Additionally, consistency in applying the chosen cream and adhering to a daily foot care routine will help achieve the best results in treating and preventing cracked heels.

Liquid bandages can be one of the treatments used for cracked heels. As mentioned above, liquid bandages are also known as skin glue. They are most effective when the cracks are not deep and are still superficial. Their use can reduce pain, protect the cracked area, and facilitate healing. They can be found in various formats, such as liquids, aerosols, or gels.

Cracked heels can cause pain, especially when the cracks become deeper and penetrate into the underlying healthy skin, leading to bleeding. When the cracks are more superficial and in their early stages, they may not be painful but can still cause discomfort, such as catching on socks. However, if left untreated, they can worsen and become more painful.

It’s important to note that the level of pain experienced can vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the cracks and individual sensitivity. Some individuals may have a higher pain tolerance and may not experience significant discomfort even with deeper cracks. However, in general, cracked heels can be uncomfortable and even painful, especially if they are not properly addressed.

The first thing to do when noticing the initial symptoms leading to cracked heels (such as the hardening of the skin around the heel) is to use special creams. There are a wide variety of over-the-counter creams or ointments that help soften the skin where heel cracks appear. Thick moisturizers and urea creams are very effective. You can also soak your feet in warm soapy water for 20 minutes, and then apply the creams.

Those who have diabetes need to avoid cracked heels as much as possible. Especially if they already have cracks, they should visit a podiatrist for treatment to eliminate them. Cracked heels can be dangerous for these patients, as the fissures can cause ulcers in diabetic feet. These situations can be avoided through proper foot care and acting quickly as soon as the first symptoms appear.

If a diabetic individual develops cracked heels, it is important to seek medical advice and treatment to prevent further complications. A podiatrist or healthcare professional can provide guidance on appropriate foot care routines and recommend specific treatments to manage the cracked heels and reduce the risk of foot ulcers.

Plantar keratosis refers to the hardening that occurs on the sole of the foot due to continuous pressure on certain areas when the foot is placed. Corns, also known as helomas, occur due to an overgrowth of the corneal or outer layer of the skin, resulting from continuous friction or overload. Hyperkeratosis is the thickening of the skin layer due to an increase in the keratin that composes it. Keratin is a potent protective protein of the skin. When any of these lesions appear on the edge of the heel, the skin becomes more vulnerable and can generate fissures.

The best way to take care of your heels is to inspect them daily and maintain a routine of daily moisturizing. At the first sign of cracks, you can use home treatments such as applying pumice stone to remove layers of hard skin made up of dead cells. It is also recommended to use special ointments or balms to protect the skin on the edges of the heels from dryness. These ointments or balms can be applied in the morning and at night. Urea and salicylic acid creams are usually among the most effective.

On the other hand, you should pay attention to your footwear. Avoid hard-soled shoes and those that don’t cover the heel. It’s also important to switch between more than one type of shoe, or at least not wear the same one every day. Another way to protect your heels from cracks is by using padded insoles and supports that counteract the pressure on the heels when walking, as well as the rubbing of the shoes always in the same areas.

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