Among many various foot conditions that people struggle with, calluses and bunions are the most common enemies of healthy feet – but what are they exactly, and what kind of symptoms do they bring? If you want to find out everything about bunion vs. callus, this text is for you. We’ve explained the differences and treatment options for both of these conditions in this text.
Bunion vs. Callus – What’s the Difference?
How to distinguish a foot callus vs. a bunion? Bunion deformities are bony protrusions that form on the inside of the foot, in the area of the big toe joint. They are a result of a misalignment of the first metatarsal bone, which protrudes inwards while pushing the big toe outwards to the second toe.
On the other hand, a callus has nothing to do with bones – it’s just an area of hardened skin. When there is friction or pressure on a certain section of the skin, the layer of skin becomes thickened, resulting in a callus. So, essentially – both conditions are bumps on foot, but they occur because of very different reasons and have different symptoms (although both can be painful).
Treatment for Calluses
While corn may (in some cases) require surgical treatment, calluses can be dealt with non-surgically. The most common way to get rid of a callus is to soak it in warm water, and when the skin softens, rub it with a pumice stone or a file. After that, apply lotion to keep the skin moisturized. Some severe cases might require surgical removal, but this isn’t that common.
Treatment for Bunions
Bunions can rarely be fixed with non-surgical therapy options – if you want to get rid of this unpleasant condition, you will need bunion surgery, also known as a bunionectomy. There are three main types of bunion surgery – bone fusion, osteotomy, and bone shaving.
How to Know What Kind of Operation Is Right for You?
To ensure you get proper care and get your feet back to normal, you will need to pay a visit to a specialist who can tell you what kind of condition you have and how to treat it. After a detailed examination, your doctor will decide what the best way to approach the issue is.
What Can You Expect After Surgeries?
If you need to have surgery to fix bunions, calluses, or corns, it will most likely be a minimally invasive procedure. This means shorter recovery time and getting back to regular activities sooner than you’d think. If there aren’t any problems after surgery, you should expect to be fully recovered after six weeks to three months post-op.
Consult With a Surgeon in Miami if You Don’t Know Which Procedure Is the Best for You
When you’re not sure about what kind of condition you have, the easiest way to solve any confusion is to reach out to a foot specialist who will explain everything to you. If you decide to entrust your care to Luxe Foot Surgery clinic, you can be sure your health is in good hands. Contact us to book your free consultation – you can call our office or simply fill out an inquiry form on our website.
Can a Callus Turn Into a Bunion?
No, a callus can’t turn into a bunion – these are two completely different conditions. While calluses are sections of thickened, hardened skin, bunions are bony protrusions on the inside of the foot formed as a result of an irregular alignment of the first metatarsal bone.
Is It a Corn, Callus, or Bunion?
A bunion is a deformity in which the first metatarsal bone forms a protrusion on the inside of the foot. Corns and calluses are hardened and thickened sections of the skin, but they are different in size, appearance, and location. Corns form on parts of the foot that are exposed to friction and pressure but don’t bear weight, and calluses develop on the weight-bearing sections of the foot.
How Do You Treat Bunions and Calluses?
Calluses are commonly treated with non-surgical methods (such as pumice stone, for example). Bunions can also be treated non-surgically, but only temporarily – the only efficient way to get rid of bunions is a surgical procedure.
What Does a Callus Look Like?
A callus is a yellowish, hardened, thickened skin on the weight-bearing area of the foot. It looks like corn, but it’s a bit wider and flatter.