Seed corns are small, round clusters of dry bumps that typically form on the ball of the foot and heel as a result of repeated pressure or friction. The skin thickens and forms a protective layer to avoid irritation, resulting in the appearance of calluses or seed corns. The ball of the foot is often the most affected area due to the weight and pressure placed on it during walking and standing. Corn removal surgery may be necessary in some cases to treat this condition.
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What Are the Factors That Contribute to Seed Corn Formation?
However, simple walking and pressure made on the ball of the foot is not the only factor that can contribute to the formation of corns. There are many causes of corn formation, and in most cases, elimination of these factors and home corn treatment is all it takes to get rid of the seed corns. But if corns become infected or they are not going away with home remedies, medical attention will be needed. Here are the factors that contribute to seed corns formation:
Ill-Fitting Shoes and Flat Feet or High Arches
If you wear shoes that don’t fit you, high heels, or shoes that are too tight, this will lead to producing pressure on a certain area of your foot, causing constant rubbing and irritation, which will eventually form seed corn. If a person has flat feet or high arches and doesn’t wear fitting shoes, it will cause the same pressure and the same consequences of forming corns on the foot.
High-Impact Activities
Seed corns also can develop due to high-impact activities such as running on asphalt or wearing shoes that are not fit for running. Also, standing for long periods of time on hard surfaces can lead to the formation of the corns.
Overweight and Obesity
The more pressure you put on your feet, the bigger chance you will develop corn on your foot. Being overweight and obese is one of the factors that can lead to corns formation. The weight will produce enormous pressure on your feet, so simple walking can cause friction and rubbing of the skin and the formation of calluses and seed corns.
Foot Conditions Such as Plantar Fasciitis and Metatarsalgia
Plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia are conditions that can lead to seed corn formation. These are painful conditions that make a person put more pressure on the area of the foot that doesn’t hurt.
How to Prevent and Treat Seed Corns
Aside from corn removal surgeries, there are ways you can treat seed corn at home and learn how to prevent it from appearing further. One of the most important things you must do is to wear proper shoes.
Stretching and Strengthening Exercises for the Foot
If you do foot exercises and stretching on the regular basis, you will develop stronger support for your foot by strengthening the mussels. With these foot exercises, your posture and walking will become more balanced, so no pressure will appear on one area, which can lead to corn development.
Over-The-Counter Pads and Orthotics
There are many over-the-counter orthopedic products you can use to support your feet when walking and to make them more balanced and put less pressure on the areas of your feet that are mostly affected by seed corn formation.
When to Seek Medical Treatment?
If your foot corn becomes infected, or the area is red and painful, you should seek medical treatment immediately. Also, if you have diabetes, bad circulation, and heart conditions, you should visit your doctor and let him treat the seed corn before any infection appears.
Hire the Top Surgeon in Miami and Get Rid of Seed Corns on the Ball of the Foot
If you have seed corn or any other foot condition that needs to be checked, Luxe Foot Surgery is at your disposal. You can contact us from Monday to Friday and schedule an appointment with the best surgeon in Miami that can advise you as to what are your best options.