Pros and Cons of Bunion Surgery

Pros and Cons of Bunion Surgery

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You may notice pressure or pain relief from non-surgical treatments for bunions, but these are usually only temporary solutions. In most cases, bunion surgery is the only thing that can bring you permanent benefits. However, there are some pros and cons of bunion surgery. Learn more about them to find out if you are ready to go through this surgical process. 

What Are the Pros of Bunion Surgery?

What benefits might bunion surgery provide? As a result of the procedure, the alignment of your big toe will also be improved, which means that once it is in its new position, you may find that walking is less painful. The majority of bunion surgery patients also report significantly less pain while recovering, which is a positive outcome of the procedure.

Relieves Pain

As the bone will be repositioned during surgery, bunions will be completely treated. Tendons, nerves, ligaments, or even the bone itself may need to be readjusted during this surgery, which will permanently reduce pain after a full recovery.

Boosts Self-Confidence

In addition to being painful, the big toe crossing over other toes gives the foot a misshapen appearance. This may undermine one’s self-assurance. Surgery would be able to fix that, too, and make you more satisfied with the appearance of your feet.

Get Active Again

People with painful bunions who undergo surgery to remove them will be able to return to their normal physical activities without experiencing any discomfort after the foot has fully recovered from the procedure.

What Are the Cons of Bunion Surgery?

Unfortunately, the surgery might also have some downsides. Although most of these problems can be avoided if you follow your doctor’s instructions, here’s what you need to know about potential problems after bunion surgery

Recovery Period

The whole recovery period might take anywhere from three to six months, depending on the type of bunion and the procedure that was performed. The patient’s mobility will be restricted for the duration as a result. It’s possible that this won’t work for certain groups of people, given how they live their lives and how active they usually are.

Complications After Surgery

It is possible for complications to arise following surgery, which would prevent full healing of the foot. Follow-up appointments should always be kept, and your surgeon should be informed of any difficulties that arise, such as the recurrence of the bunion or unusual swelling. It is crucial to constantly attend these appointments.

A Long Process

If you believe that wanting to get rid of your bunion through surgery is as simple as checking into the hospital, having the procedure done, and then walking out with gleaming, brand-new feet, then you should think about what goes on “behind the scenes” of an operation like this.

Prior to the surgery, it is necessary to conduct evaluations of the patient’s overall health to determine the grounds. In addition, it is recommended that follow-up sessions be attended in order to monitor the progress of the healing journey and provide assistance in the event that any issues arise.

Person experiencing pain caused by a bunion
A person experiencing pain caused by a bunion

Go Over the Pros and Cons of Bunion Surgery With Your Surgeon in Miami

If you’re thinking about becoming a patient at Luxe Foot Surgery clinic in Miami and wonder what the pros and cons of bunion surgery are, contact us to book a consultation with a surgeon at our clinic. They can examine you and give you the best possible advice as well as peace of mind when it comes to foot surgery. 


Is It Worth It to Have Bunion Surgery?

Bunions can only be removed permanently through surgery. There is no other treatment for them. Bunion surgery is the right choice for those who wish to relieve their pain and regain the ability to do usual activities like:

  • Walk barefoot, 
  • Participate in different sports, 
  • Wear your favorite footwear again.

What Are the Risks of Bunion Surgery?

There are some risks of bunion surgery you should be aware of:

  • Aching and edema are present,
  • A toe that is more rigid and less flexible than other toes,
  • A bunion that keeps reappearing,
  • A big toe is shortened if bones are removed during the surgical procedure,
  • You may experience numbness or burning in your foot as a result of nerve injury.


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